
How to earn money online

On the Google 40,000 queries search every second on average, 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide as Google survey. But 10% queries/sec search on Google is “how to earn money online?” or “how to make money online?”

Many websites write about “how to earn money online?” but no one single website write actually “how to start earn money online?”

There are some way to earn money online?

·        Blogspot/Wordpres
·         Affiliate marketing
·         Digital marketing
·         Youtube channel


After read this word Blogspot/Wordpress you think how to earn from this and what is it. Blogspot/Wordpress this are the bloging sites. If you have any talent or knowledge then shear with other. “how to shear?” and “what shear?” so you start a blog on Blogspot/Wordpress  and write about your talent or knowledge. After that people read your blog, means more traffic on your blog and its good for blog. After that join the Google adsense program, almost 2 million people have chosen AdSense and earn high revenue/money. If you get the high traffic on your blog it means chance to earn more money.

After read this topic some question arise in your mind.
·         How to start a blog?
·         What is Google adsense how to join?

Affiliate marketing
        In simple word Affiliate means promotion of product of another company at our platform. 

            Today many companies provide Affiliate program for generating traffic.
            List of Affiliate program providing sites:-